

Pipeline Cathodic Protection

Pipeline Cathodic Protection

Pipelines are used for transporting water, petroleum products, natural gas, and other utilities. There’s a huge network of piping systems used in every country all over the world. Pipelines may be onshore or offshore, and are subject to corrosion in both cases.

tan cathodic protection

Tank Cathodic Protection

The Cathodic protection of the tank refer to Internal and External Cathodic protection. External cathodic protection refer to buried tank or bottom tank cathodic protection.

Offshore Platform​

Offshore Platform

With the term offshore prlatforms we refer to objects such as production platforms. This structure located remote in open sea and cathodic protection required to keep this equipment on safe operation for their design life.

Docks Piers & Jetties

Docks Piers & Jetties

Most of the current marine facilities (ports, docks, breakwaters, etc.) are composed of steel pipe piles or steel sheet piles. Due to the seawater immersion the steel structure are subject to corrosion. It is extremely important to protect these steel structures and increase the life of this infrastructures.


Bridge Cathodic Protection

Bridges are important infrastructure that they need Cathodic protection to increase service life period become safe for transportations.

Power Plant Cathodic Protection

Power Plant Cathodic Protection

Power plant CP systems are important—especially with the growing number of gas-fired facilities that have been and continue to be built.
