Company Profile

OuChuang Cathodic Protection Technology company is located in the high-tech industrial development zone of Zhongshan City, China. We mainly manufacture cathodic protection materials and research and development, as well as cathodic protection project design, technical consultation and engineering construction.

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Our History

OuChuang’s R&D team has been developing conductive polymer-based flexible anodes (without pre-filled materials) since the early 1990s. It is the earliest and successful team in China to develop flexible anodes. Its conductive polymer-based flexible anodes After testing, it has reached the level of similar foreign products, and has been successfully applied to many key projects since 1997. Classical application examples include: the 21-kilometer cathodic protection project of the Beijing Yamenkou-Liangxiang gas pipeline, which was put into use in 1999 on the first line of Shaanxi-Beijing, is currently operating well. It has become a project where flexible anodes in China have been successfully applied to long-distance pipelines with early and long service periods.


OuChuang Cathodic protection tech company is a leading provider of cathodic protection solutions. We fulfill our customers’ needs with first-rate cathodic equipment and supplies, Our company has two types of flexible anode products of conductive polymer type flexible anode and MMO/Ti type flexible anode, and complete accessories:Two-way connector kit, three-way connector kit, special isolation net. Among them, the three-way joint is a special quick joint for flexible anode developed by our company, which is easy to use. including but not limited to: graphite, cast iron, aluminium anodes, test stations, junction boxes, and rectifiers.




·The polymer type flexible anode was developed successfully for the first time in 1997. It is a leading technology and engineering application so far
·It has the first flexible anode pre filling package filling production line in China
·Unique packaging technology of MMO / Ti flexible anode node
·Unique flexible anode tee joint technology.
